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What people have said...


“These four meetings marked a profound shift in me. I felt a return to my old and dear love of theatrical expression, in a very open and truthful way. Agata teaches embodiment, a way of bypassing the ego into true performance, that is not so much a performance as a true inhabiting of self. The work she invited in me and in the other women was very moving and beautiful and an honour to witness. Agata held the space in a quiet, focused way that supported the group.  She worked with creative, inspiring physical exercises, writing, speaking, and sharing, and every evening wove us into the performance space so skillfully that is was almost without our noticing! I am deeply grateful to have had this chance to work with her, she is a wonderful teacher. “


"It was such an edge for me to participate in this Stories for Change process. As someone terrified of anything even vaguely performative it meant me meeting some pretty deep-seated fears. Agata held the space with a tender firmness that allowed me to gradually find myself performing without really realizing it was happening. By week four I spontaneously found myself free-style dancing 'on stage' for a whole 5 minutes in what to me felt like truly touching in with the core of my true essence. Watch out world, this one has been unleashed ..."


"This is truly powerful work, I never EVER (!) thought i would want to do anything theatrical but this work has transformed my perspective on healing and the performing arts. I thought performance was about pretending, but actually I feel that I have allowed my self to be seen more fully and express my self more authentically. I've even been improvising which I thought was petrifying but have now discovered is hilarious and fun."


“We seem to have shared so much in our few meetings. I wouldn’t have thought that I was able to perform even to a very small audience referencing very sensitive occurrences in my life. Previously I have found it difficult to move across a stage with an audience. Also previously my mind has gone blank when asked to write prose and even more so for poetry. All that I achieved in your group in such a supportive environment was done without fear and trepidation, with fun, sincerity, enjoyment and confidence. “


"Agata holds a deeply nourishing space with graceful ease and a playfully light touch. This is a space where imaginings can take form and the archetypal forces within us all can emerge to tell their stories. Profoundly beautiful work (and play).”


"I loved the whole way this was held, sometimes lightly, sometimes with great depth, but always with a huge sense of permission and allowing whatever was there to flower."

"I am taking more acceptance of parts of me that are normally tacked away."


“This work gets to the heart of performance, to the vulnerability and honesty of the solo performer. And even more, it goes a long way to heal the rifts between women, the competition and the judgement we all suffer from, and invite us to truly be witnesses and celebrants of each other’s journeys.”


“Performing my story was utterly new and felt so energetic. I realized that the energy came from being in the moment and unscripted and untrammelled by my habitual thinking.  What I appreciated was experiencing creativity coming out of my body and presence!  And being witnessed, being seen... as a friend of mine once said, ‘thank you for seeing me because that’s how I know that I exist’"


"This is important work you are doing-especially the work of empowering woman to have a voice and to bring their beingness more visibly into the world. The space you hold is gentle and safe and allows a natural unfolding and easy uncovering of the rich story each of us carries. During these few weeks I have found a new lightness and playfulness in my relating to the world and I am delighting in seeing this life as a story that can be re-imagined."


"Transformational of inner life and community, connecting work with women of all ages and experience. Best piece of group work I have been part of for years."


"Excellent programme. I wouldn’t change anything!"


"A very different women’s circle but so valuable I want to do this every week as I discovered and learned so much and brought such depth and richness to my life. Everyone should get a chance to do this work."


"I love Agata's work - it's stimulating, exciting and nourishing. I'm always surprised by what comes up and being received in all my authenticity is a real gift. The way she combines self-inquiry and presence, performance and storytelling are truly unique. What happens in that space is sheer magic. I highly recommend experiencing this amazing approach to story-telling from your heart and your being. It's deeply moving and transformative."


"Agata is very creative and sensitive to what I want to work with and how to get the best out of me. She prepares thoroughly and thoughtfully for the sessions and also reflects on the sessions after they are finished. So she is well prepared yet also delightfully flexible and creative during each session whilst holding the overall goals of our work together.

She is wonderfully present and responsive to me as her client. She is perceptive and creates a space for me to work in that allows for unexpected depths. She also has a light touch and a sense of humour" 


"A space held in a gentle and encouraging way. I felt really safe and welcomed in these groups and loved being moved by other people expressing very deep stories."


"No wonder this workshop was so full to the hilt!
What an amazing, capable, generous, wise, acknowkedging, safe and inspiring facilitator you are Agata.

I am so deeply touched by the depth of sharing by every woman, containing gifts of vulnerability, rawness, roarness, power and deliciousness in plummeting past the delvey depths beyond fears and insecurities, self~doubts and inner sabotage, to the deepest and most vulnerable depths of our true self~expression.

I cried my way through every woman's sharing; tears of being deeply touched, of recognition...of healing."


"What a wondrous experience this was. We’ve learnt things about the body, it’s organs, meridians and meanings- for all of us and individually for each one of us in our own ways. Our gentle exploration opened us to ideas and thoughts, memories, feelings and gave us clarity… Shone light on confusions. I found myself expressing myself in ways that I have not done before. Everyone in the group just gave ourselves over, with trust and ease, to Agata’s gentle wisdom and guidance… and we in turn all trusted each other and flowed."


“Agata is so gentle, organised and clear with instructions and offers a beautiful space. I feel better, more confident and my mind is always calm after the class. I feel positive, uplifted and provoked in my thoughts, a changed woman”.


“I always come away from your workshops feeling like I’ve found a new insight, a sense of wisdom that has arisen is our playful encounters!”



‘The course I just completed with Agata facilitating was nothing short of miraculous. I feel like I have expanded, transformed and grown immensely through the portal that she held open. I have more awareness about who I am and what I want from my life. I've gained many tools to move forward and bring forth my unique gifts into the world. Agata is able to hold a space that is deep and safe. She shows by active example how to be a conduit for the force field that is always available, if we trust and relax into our power. It was very special to challenge myself in such a loving way with her as my guide.” 


“I am so grateful for the openness of our circle and felt seen and held. I have the feeling that my basic pillars are strengthened; that I go through my everyday life with more trust and love in myself and in life. I am currently planning my first space holding session and am positively excited.” 


“I felt safe to be seen, to be known (and unknown) in the glory and grit, to lough, to cry- to discover hidden treasures and then to share them with others. I felt a closeness generated in a group that’s traversing wide landscapes together and sharing so much richness – yes, a strong sense of togetherness!”  



“Agata is holding space in a very caring, loving, playful, creative and deep way. For me it was very helpful connecting to both my Yin and Yang parts in holding space, becoming more present in the now in my body, welcoming my parts and to start daring brining my gift in a safe container.” 


“Agata holds space with such gentleness and grace that it's hard to find words to describe the feeling of safety, comfort & depth she creates.  

A space for us to explore, play, learn & grow as we develop our gifts and learn tools to bring them to the world.  

I leave with an embodied knowing, a trust in myself, in the service I am here to give & in creating that same safe space Agata so lovingly demonstrated. “


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