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Theatre of Awakening

     With Agata Krajewska
Presence ~ Embodiment ~ Expression



Theatre of Awakening is a blend of self-discovery and creativity,

where performances are created from personal stories and inner experiences.

It is autobiographical theatre for well-being and awakening.


Through play, inquiry, presence and embodiment practices, we make space for our spontaneous creative expression to be revealed and received.


As we explore together, we come across parallels, mutual recognitions and emergent collective narratives. By working in this way we free up our self-images and beliefs, realizing our potential and the gifts we have to bring.


Coming up


"This Being a Woman"


Friday 5th July 7:30pm
Studio 6, Dartington Space

Devised ensemble piece with elements of solo autobiographical

Booking and info:


Please support our fundraiser for a bursary fund here:













"The course I just completed with Agata facilitating was nothing short of miraculous. I feel like I have expanded, transformed and grown immensely through the portal that she held open. I have more awareness about who I am and what I want from my life. I've gained many tools to move forward and bring forth my unique gifts into the world. Agata is able to hold a space that is deep and safe.

She shows by active example how to be a conduit for the force field that is always available, if we trust and relax into our power. It was very special to challenge myself in such a loving way with her as my guide.” E.W.,Course participant


Workshops open for bookings: Workshop Page




What is Theatre of Awakening?by Agata
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"There’s a vitality, an energy, a life-force that is translated through you into action, and because there’s only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost."  

Martha Graham


Find us in Dartington, Totnes



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We are grateful to receive donations towards bursary places and running costs.

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